I have been a research scientist at Adobe since 2010. I research Computer Vision, develop new technologies, transfer them to Adobe products, and work with universities and PhD students through collaborations and internships.
My research interests encompass computer vision, graphics and machine learning. In particular, I have been looking into selection and segmentation (interactive and automatic, image and video, binary and matting) as well as image synthesis and document understanding. I actively collaborate with other, and have worked with 60+ PhD students as interns and participated in 50+ university collaborations. Most of these collaborations end up as publications, most often in Tier 1 venues.
I enjoy seeing my products turn into Adobe features that are used by millions of our customers. Technologies that made it into products that I have developed or contributed to include:
Object-aware Matting in Photoshop
Select Subject update in Photoshop (focused on better selecting portraits and people)
Object Selection feature in Photoshop
Select and Mask feature in Photoshop
Auto Selection in Photoshop Elements
Key Cleaner tool in AfterEffects
Refine Selection tool in Photoshop Elements
Smart Selection tool in Photoshop Mix
Auto Select function in Photoshop Mix
Smart Crop feature in Photoshop Elements and Photoshop Mix
Collage feature in Photoshop Express
As a hobby, I really enjoy photography, including using Photoshop and Lightroom to enhance my photos. This gives me a valuable perspective on the research that I do.
Before Adobe, I received my PhD degree in Computer Science from Brigham Young University in 2010, and my adviser was Dr. Bryan Morse. My PhD research focused on interactive image segmentation and matting in images and videos. Before that, I received my masters degree from the same institution under the guidance of Dr. William Barrett.
Best Paper Runner Up at ICME 2020
Tech Excellence Award from Adobe
CVPR 2019 Outstanding Reviewer
Named Distinguished Inventor at Adobe
Best Paper award - 3DIMPVT 2012
CI Fellowship recipient
National Merit Scholarship recipient
Professional Service
Area Chair for ECCV 2024
Area Chair for CVPR 2023
Finance Chair for CVPR 2022
Area Chair for WACV 2022
Area Chair for CVPR 2021
Co-organizer of 1st Large-scale Video Object Segmentation Challenge (ECCV 2018 workshops).
Area Chair for WACV 2016
Corporate Sponsorship Chair for ICCV 2015
Demo Award Selection Committee for ICCV 2015
Industry Chair for ACCV 2014
Demo Award Selection Committee for CVPR 2014
Mentor for the National Consortium for Graduate Engineering Degrees for Minorities (GEM) Fellowship program - 2013-14
Co-organizer of matting tutorial at ICCV 2013
Technical Program Committee member for ICCV 2023, 2021, 2019, 2015, 2013, 2011; CVPR 2022, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010; ECCV 2020; ACCV 2014; SIGGRAPH Asia 2014; Eurographics 2009; SIGGRAPH 2017, 2007
Reviewer for IJPRAI, TCSVT, TPAMI, TIP, IJCV, MICCAI, TOG, Visual Computer
Invited Talks
"Understanding Data Visualizations via Question Answering", ICDAR 2021 Workshop on Document Visual Question Answering, Sep 2021.
“Machine Learning, Graphics, Vision, HCI, and AR/VR at Adobe Research Workshop”, Bowie State University. Mar 2021.
"Gaining a Deeper Visual Understanding of Documents", Text and Documents in the Deep Learning Era, CVPR workshops, June 2020.
"Interactive Video Object Segmentation", 1st Large-scale Video Object Segmentation Challenge, ECCV workshops, Sep 2018.
"SceneStitch", Adobe MAX Sneaks, Oct 2017.
"The Past, Present, and Future of Document Analysis", Brigham Young University, Sep 2017.
"Interactive Object Selection in Images using Deep Learning", GPU Technology Conference, May 2017.
"Advances in Image Analysis and Understanding", United States Patent and Trademark Office Tech Fair, Mar 2017.
"Advancements in Object Selection in Images", Brigham Young University, Mar 2017.
"Why You Should Get a PhD", Brigham Young University, Nov 2015.
"Matting and Composition in Professional Workflows", CVPR 2015 tutorial: Computer Vision for Visual Effects, June 2015.
"Image Matting", UC Merced, Feb 2014.
"Image Matting", "Video Matting", and "Future challenges for matting", ICCV Matting tutorial, Dec 2013.